Lemon drizzle cake and croissants
Today, Abby from our Recreation and Well-Being Team held a Baking Club session in our dining room here at Lulworth House Residential Care Home.
The group made lemon drizzle cake on one table – with Mai being in charge of reading the recipe and organising the ingredients, Rosemary cracking and whisking the eggs, Jackie squeezing the lemons and Val measuring out the flour. What teamwork! Penny sat and enjoyed watching the others work.
Abby assisted Maggie and Diana to make hand-rolled puff pastry mini croissants too, which looked tricky to roll, but both the ladies got the hang of it real quickly. Maggie was definitely the champion roller and picked it up after Abby showing her just once! Well done ladies!
Helpful hands
Sylvia has been really helpful in our dining room today; she’s been washing our tables down and folding our pinnies.
She loves helping out and always comes in looking for company or a job to do.
Thanks for all your help Sylvia!